We pride our selves on being a place where “Talent Meets Opportunity”.
We have a zero tolerance policy for discrimination of any nature. We are an equal opportunity employer with a mission to provide in their broadest sense both: (a) equality of opportunity and (b) diversity.
The Firm strives to offer an inclusive environment that appreciates and encourages inputs from all perspectives.

We provide an opportunity for law students to gain experience through our internships. The general preference is that the internship be for a fixed period of 2 months to enable you to follow a case or a transaction in some depth. A shorter period may also be considered keeping in mind the student’s academic calendar. Law Students who are interested in interning with us must apply citing the period of preferred internship, the area of practice along with their resume to: careers@mullas.net
Kindly keep in mind that the firm takes on a limited number of interns at one time and that applications should be made at least 3 months in advance.
Articled Clerks
We also provide an articled clerkship program to groom and train you towards sitting for the solicitor’s examination conducted by the Bombay Incorporated Law Society. The training program is a 3 year rigorous exercise wherein you will rotate through and be mentored in different practice areas to expose you to real life situations in the different subjects that are required to be studied for the examination.
Law Students that are studying in the (a) 3 year law course and who have successfully cleared their first year of law; or (b) 5 year law course and who have successfully cleared their second year law may apply with their resume to: careers@mullas.net
Whether you are fresh out of law school or an experienced lawyer looking to move laterally, we are always on the look out for talented people with a strong academic and professional background with a strong sense of ethics. The Firm believes that its greatest asset is its people. Please apply to careers@mullas.net